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【学术报告】关于研究生灵犀学术殿堂第125期之Prof.Mike Reece报告会的通知

发布时间:2017年03月30日 来源: 点击数:


我校定于2017年3月31日和4月1日举办研究生灵犀学术殿堂——Prof.Mike Reece报告会,现将有关事项通知如下:


报告人:Prof.Mike Reece


时 间:2017年3月31日(星期五) 上午09:30(开始时间)

地 点: 友谊校区 公字楼328

主 题: Densification and Microstructural Engineering of Ceramics using Electric Current Assisted Sintering

内容简介:The talk will review the use of Electric Current Assisted Sintering (ECAS) techniques, such as the commonly referred to Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), for the processing of materials. This includes the potential advantages and disadvantages of the technique. SPS has been widely applied because of its ability to produce nanostructured materials. However, the techniques has other potential advantages, such as the ability to produce non-equilibrium structures. Recent results on the flash sintering (heating rates of > 10,000°C/min) of ultra-high temperature ceramics, and thermoelectrics will be presented. The application of ECAS to functional materials brings additional effects, including the Peltier/Thomson effects. These effects can bring advantages and disadvantages and need to be understood in order to optimise the engineering of the microstructures of materials. Experimental and modelling results will presented to quantify the magnitude these effects.


时 间:2017年4月1日(星期六) 上午09:30(开始时间)

地 点: 友谊校区 公字楼328

主 题: Thermoelectric Properties of Cu-Sb-S Compounds

内容简介: The discovery and design of compounds with intrinsically low thermal conductivity, especially compounds with a special bonding nature and stable crystal structure, is a new direction to broaden the scope of potential thermoelectric (TE) materials. This study was motivated the earth-abundant sulfide tetrahedrite (Cu12Sb4S13), which has intrinsically low thermal conductivity due to the Sb lone-pair electrons and CuS3triangular planes . To further understand the effects of lone pair electrons of Sb and explore new potential thermoelectric sulfides, we report a comprehensive study of all four Cu-Sb-S compounds, including tetrahedrite (Cu12Sb4S13), famatinite (Cu3SbS4), skinnerite (Cu3SbS3) and chalcostibite (CuSbS2).






Prof. Mike Reece,英国皇家学会工业院士,英国材料协会功能材料委员会主席,伦敦玛丽皇后大学材料科学与工程系杰出教授,承担多项英国和欧盟的重大科学研究项目,长期致力于铁电、压电功能材料的制备和机电特性研究,在国际上首次报道了具有超高居里温度(>1700℃)的A2B2O7化合物的压电和铁电性能,在英国率先开展了陶瓷材料放电等离子烧结(SPS)的研究工作,目前从事层状钙钛矿结构高温压电及热电功能陶瓷材料的研究,在国际学术期刊《Advanced Materials》、《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》、《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》、《Applied Physical Letters》等上发表SCI论文150余篇,拥有发明专利多项。现担任《Advances in Applied Ceramics》学术期刊的主编,2010年获得“Institute of Materials Verulam Medal”奖。