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发布时间:2017年12月29日 来源:航海学院 点击数:

报告题目:机器人的机器智能及其自动化(Machine Intelligence for Robotics and Automation         

报告时间:2018年1月2日 上午9:00


联系人 :张飞虎


王郸维,1982年毕业于华南理工大学,获学士学位,并分别于1986和1989年在美国密歇根大学获硕士和博士学位。现任新加坡南洋理工大学电子与电机工程学院教授,并担任ST Engineering–NTU联合实验室主任和南洋理工大学机器人研究中心副主任。2005到2011年间,王郸维任控制与仪表工程系主任。他担任多个国际会议的常务主席、技术主席等职务,并担任Conference Editorial Board、IEEE Control Systems Society、International Journal of Humanoid Robotics的AE。另外,王郸维教授还积极参加机器人和控制理论与技术领域的教学和科研活动,于2008和2013年两次带领团队参加室外自主机器人比赛(TechX Challenge)并取得优异成绩。王教授还于1996-1997年获得德国Alexander von Humboldt奖。他发表专著4部,学术论文350余篇,所涉及领域包括机器人、控制理论与应用、故障诊断和复杂系统预测等方面。


Autonomy and automation benefit human kind tremendously and enable us go much beyond of our imagination. Manufacturing equipment including robotics and high-valued machines are designed with sophisticated functionalities. Robots and automation also move outdoor and into the human’s living environments. These machines include mobile robotics and autonomous vehicles. They have to be equipped with intelligence and the sophistication brings in the complex to the robots and autonomous systems. These robots and autonomous machines will be deployed in large quantity in the near future. The integrity and survivability of these machines in service are critical to the productivity of robotics/automation and the acceptance into our society. This talk presents the motivation, modeling, approach and some achievements that are carried out in our lab in Nanyang Technological University. Both new concepts of model-based diagnosis and prognosis as well as execution in some complex systems in robotics and automation are presented. This talk also presents the overviews of activities of our ST Engineering–NTU Corporate Laboratory which is a joint R&D hub between academics and industries aiming to generate workable technologies for the practical systems and applications.